Growing up as a young girl in challenging circumstances, I never imagined that hope and confidence would find their way into my life. Born when my mother was still a teenager, I was entrusted to the care of my grandfather while my mother
sought her own path. However, destiny had other plans, and after a few years, my mother returned to take me to Kigali, where she was building a life for us both.
I found myself embraced by opportunities that I had never thought possible. My mother’s decision to enroll me in the Impanuro Girls Initiative and involve me in the Icyizere VSLA savings group marked a turning point in my life. Through education and financial empowerment, I discovered a sense of purpose and determination that had long eluded me. Saving money every Saturday alongside my mother and the other women in the group not only provided for my school materials but also instilled in me a newfound sense of hope for tomorrow.

Before joining NDASHOBOYE, I initially lacked confidence in public speaking. Joining NDASHOBOYE has transformed me as well as boosted self-confidence, enabling me to advocate for myself and others. This newfound confidence extended to my academic journey, where I overcame fear in seeking clarification from teachers. The increased assertiveness led to challenging both teachers and classmates to get more understanding in my lesson. As a result, I excelled in Primary 6 national exams, securing admission to a boarding school, a dream I never thought possible given my family’s financial situation.

Impanuro Girls Initiative continued to support me through the Intiti project, covering my school fees and scholastic materials allowing me to thrive academically. The gained confidence persists as I’m a director of studies (DOS) in my class where I have a leadership role in explaining concepts to classmates in the teacher’s absence and advocating for my classmates in case teachers are not delivering contents appropriately. Moreover, NDASHOBOYE project unveiled hidden talents within me, fostering the development of long-term goals aligned with my strengths and interests. My journey exemplifies the transformative impact of NDASHOBOYE, shaping me into a confident, assertive, and successful student.